March is National Kidney Month


March is chock-full of awareness.

We're starting with the kidneys!

March is National Kidney Month

The kidneys are small organs located in your back that complete several bodily functions:

  1. Regulate fluid levels

  2. Activates vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth

  3. Filters wastes from the blood

  4. Directs production of red blood cells

  5. Regulates blood pressure

  6. Keeps blood minerals in balance

Because the kidneys affect many body systems, issues with them can cause wide systemic breakdowns such as:

  1. Nerve damage

  2. Cardiovascular disease

  3. Weak bones

  4. Heart attack

  5. High blood pressure

  6. Stroke

  7. Kidney failure

  8. Anemia

Risk factors can include:

  1. Diabetes

  2. Family history

  3. High blood pressure

  4. Over the age of 60

Symptoms can include:

  1. Swelling

  2. Blood in urine/foamy

  3. Hard to urinate

  4. Increased thirst

To avoid kidney disease:

  1. Smoking Cessation

  2. Be Active

  3. Monitor Blood Sugar/Pressure

  4. Hydration

Keep your kidneys hydrated!

Be Well,

My Friends!



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