Health is wealth, and advocacy is currency.

Diversely Skilled Change Agent

Dr. Rahmatu Kassimu

Who Am I?

My name is Dr. Rahmatu Kassimu AKA Dr. K. I'm an educator, researcher, consultant, and change agent. I have 3 degrees in Sociology, Public Health, and Health Studies and under all these degrees, I am simply a girl from Dallas with a heart for public health and kids, a desire for health equity, and a passion for advocacy. I’ve spent my professional career combining these loves. I love to read, write, travel, and napping like I’m competing for Olympic glory!

Dr. Kassimu_Not_That_Kind_Of_Doctor

What I Do?

I’ve spent the last 10 years teaching in urban schools while honing my public health and academic writing skills. This includes public speaking engagements, creating culturally competent curriculums, researching evidence-based programs for implementation, coaching hundreds of students and clients to improve their technical writing skills, while advocating for policy change. My skills are widely adaptable to many situations and I’ve executed them all while positively impacting roughly 120-150 students a year.

Dr. Rahmatu Kassimu

Why I Do What I Do

Health disparities affect African American/Black people disproportionately in our country. Much of the disparity is due to lack of access and lack of information. Particularly, lack of knowledge of how to effectively advocate for oneself. I do the work that I do to reduce these health disparities and to increase the quality of life in POC, particularly African American/Black people. Additionally, I’ve seen many good ideas or writing projects be passed over or not receive the attention or reception that they deserve simply because they needed proper formating or assistance in the execution of their message. I coach in academic writing to allow these voices to shine through.

 My Values
